Strategic Plan

We have organized our three-year plan around five pillars that articulate the priorities we will focus on to advance our mission and drive toward our vision.

The pillars are the guideposts we used to organize our plan objectives and measurable key results, and are designed to push the organization. This plan will be continuously evaluated, and, if we are not meeting planned measures, we will assess the reasons why and adapt accordingly.

“We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in our hands to make a difference.”

Nelson Mandela
Pillar 1

Raise Awareness

Despite being more common than ADHD and Autism, the terms “Dyspraxia” and “DCD” are not well known to most Americans, including teachers and healthcare professionals (HCPs).

With the majority of American teachers and HCPs unaware of the signs, symptoms, psychological and secondary impacts of the condition, those living with Dyspraxia/DCD are left undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, misunderstood, and unsupported. Early diagnosis and support at home, school, and work can make a vital difference in quality of life.

In pursuit of our Vision to empower those with Dyspraxia/DCD to live life to their fullest potential, it is essential that we achieve our goal of raising awareness in the United States.

  • Spread awareness of Dyspraxia/DCD using marketing and communications
  • Provide educational opportunities and resources
  • Establish social media presence
  • Advocate for public policy changes recognizing Dyspraxia/DCD
  • Strengthen diversity, equity, and inclusion by raising awareness in the general public
  • Bring awareness about Dyspraxia/DCD to the business community so that it is included in diversity, equity, and inclusion in recruiting strategies.
Pillar 2

Provide Support

Dyspraxia DCD America will provide support to individuals and families by offering information and resources about Dyspraxia/DCD and its effects on daily life.

The Foundation will also provide information on how to obtain diagnoses, therapies, and treatments to help individuals manage their respective symptoms and comorbidities. Moreover, Dyspraxia DCD America will advocate for policies and accommodations that will ensure equal opportunities for individuals with Dyspraxia/DCD in education, employment, and other applicable settings.

  • Respond promptly and thoughtfully to individuals who contact the organization through the website and social media
  • Identify and/or establish databases of medical, healthcare, legal, and educational professionals knowledgeable in Dyspraxia/DCD for geographic regions throughout the United States
  • Provide resources for parents, adolescents, and adults regarding support groups
  • Establish plan to provide financial support for families and individuals with Dyspraxia/DCD
  • Provide information regarding obtaining and managing IEPs, 504 Plans, and other appropriate educational support
  • Provide resources for workplace support
  • Provide information on technologies/products that enhance the quality of life for individuals living with Dyspraxia/DCD
  • Provide equal access to our services and community
Pillar 3

Increase Revenue

The Dyspraxia DCD America Foundation will increase revenue in a variety of ways to support the nonprofits mission and vision statements, as well as, those impacted by Dyspraxia/DCD within the community.
We will raise funds by engaging individuals, corporations, and organizations to maximize our mission impact.

  • Establish revenue streams through recurring fundraising events
  • Create effective donation page on website
  • Partner with corporations to obtain donations
  • Secure grants
Pillar 4

Collaborate and Support Research

We are indebted to the ground-breaking research that has paved the way for an understanding about Dyspraxia/DCD.

Through that research we have a better idea of the breadth of how many people are affected and how. Our goal is to sponsor further research in the field and establish a conference here in the U.S. for medical professionals and researchers to share their findings and collaborate on new areas of discovery.

  • Collaborate with a wide range of medical, health care, legal, and educational professionals
  • Sponsor a conference
  • Provide information on and promote research of Dyspraxia/DCD

Help us illuminate awareness.